
This website showcases my artwork, photography, and all the ministries the Lord has entrusted me with. I have a passion for continual spiritual development, and growth into sonship, through learning the mysteries of God’s word, growing closer to Him, and finding inner healing.

To experience the artwork, click the ‘Art’ button on the menu bar at the left of this page, and click ‘Photography’ for lightning photos and more. Click on ‘Mysteries’ to learn the Bible codes, ‘Spiritual Warfare’ to develop in this area, and ‘Healing’ for overcoming abuse.

Both the artwork and photographs are a large part of how these ministries are funded.


“Ann Post is a Christian minister, artist, author, nature photographer, and storm chaser. Her original intent was to have two websites, one for her ministries and a separate one for her artwork. However, as a result of reactions to her art by several of her students who were survivors of severe abuse, she realized the healing power of her testimony revealed by the artwork itself.

As a Christian minister, Ann’s spiritual leadership encompasses several functions. As a Bible instructor she teaches the mysteries that are encoded in the word of God, which are often referred to in the scriptures as the meat of the word. She has published several books on these mysteries, which are illustrated by her lightning and nature photographs. Her ministry, Healing for Your Heart, is for victims of abuse, with a focus on forgiveness, healing from the emotional wounds that such abuse causes, and overcoming such trauma. She is also part of another ministry that engages in spiritual warfare. Those attending her ministries are discipled, with the aim of developing a higher level of spiritual maturity, growing closer to God, and stepping into their God given callings.

Students who had read Ann’s book, “Child of Sorrow, Child of Joy,” her story of healing from childhood trauma and SRA (Satanic Ritualistic Abuse), now saw the undeniable and mesmerizing connections between her personal journey and hauntingly beautiful elements of her artwork: dramatic light and darkness in her paintings, horses (a frequent theme), in a heightened state of alert, spooking at storms, pieces that pull your spirit into whirlwinds of energy, feeling at once held captive and set free simultaneously. Ann, herself, embodies a fascinating contradiction, as upon meeting her and hearing she is an artist, one may have visions of this calm, kind, and gentle woman painting little serene landscapes of flowers and rolling green hills–maybe even a Cheshire cat sitting in a window. One is not prepared for the intensity of emotions, the tensions between light and darkness, and the striking, powerful horses exhibiting the raw energy of nature that appear in her work. There is something in her pieces that beckons to anyone who has had to fight for their freedom, who has experienced both the light and dark within their own souls. Ann’s pieces are each unique invocations to our souls to be free, to dance in the light after being restrained by the forces of darkness. They are powerful testaments to the ability of light to heal and liberate, regardless of the bondage we have suffered.” – Cheryl Ayn Frocz, MA, DMin.

The Fruits of the Spirit

I’ve heard many sermons on the nine fruits of the Spirit, based on Galatians 5:22-23, but they are missing something. There are actually twelve fruits of the Spirit listed in the Bible, hidden in plain sight. So why are these extra three fruits of the Spirit not...

The Gap Theory

There has long been a dispute between Bible believing Christians and scientists regarding the age of the earth. Scientists have dated the formation of the earth to many millions of years ago, while many Christians believe the earth was created just barely over six...

Horses and Healing

Horses have always been an integral part of my life. From being a horse crazy child, and being a horse artist, to raising and training horses professionally, my life has been intertwined with their beauty, and their raw, wild energy. Thinking back to when I was a...

Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Basics

One of the most basic things to understand about spiritual warfare and deliverance is that we must not just presume we can cast out unclean spirits in a person and then everything will be alright. Matthew 12:43-45 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it...

Characteristics of Healthy verses Unhealthy Relationships

As I have ministered to casualties of abuse, I have found that victims readily recognize the characteristics of abusive relationships. Unfortunately, they often saw these distinguishing traits in their abusers, but ignored them until it was too late. At some level...

Rudyard Kipling’s Monkey People

In Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book,” he describes a curious facet of human nature. In describing the monkeys who live in the treetops, which he refers to as the Bandar-log, or “monkey people,” he describes how they gossip about others a great deal, repeating...

The Milgram Experiment

The Milgram experiment was spawned by the Nuremburg trials where many Nazi’s, who participated in torture and genocide, used as their excuse that they were only following orders. People in this experiment were told to harm another person with electrical shocks that...