The Milgram experiment was spawned by the Nuremburg trials where many Nazi’s, who participated in torture and genocide, used as their excuse that they were only following orders. People in this experiment were told to harm another person with electrical shocks that increased in intensity with every implementation, and they were not to stop. They did not know the person crying out in pain was an actor and was not actually in any discomfort. They blindly obeyed, even though the other person was screaming in pain. The person they were hurting had not done anything to harm their abusers. The abusers simply obeyed the person who told them to harm another, all under the guise of this being a scientific experiment. Obedience to a perceived cause overrode their common sense and personal conscience.

1 Timothy 4:1-2 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared

1 Timothy 1:5 The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Satanists frequently order people to harm someone else, and people obey. The people who are blindly obeying usually have no idea the person (or people) using them are Satanists. Sometimes the Satan worshipers do this through intimidation, oftentimes simply through slander. Through simple gossip and slander, a satanist can convince others, including Christians, to turn against someone, even someone they haven’t met before. They frequently use mind control techniques and labels, repeating a certain word or term, such as liar, crazy or mentally ill, so frequently that people believe the label even if they have never met the person who is being slandered. Once a victim is labelled, it is difficult to shake the label off from their lives, even when it is proven not to be true.

MSM (Main Stream Media) and other social media outlets used this technique to label President Donald Trump as a traitor to his country, repeatedly accusing him of Russian collusion. They used the term ‘Russian collusion’ literally thousands of times, in a coordinated effort to pound it into the minds of the masses. Even though President Trump was later found innocent of all charges, there are those in America who still believe the slander. I remember hearing a devout Christian woman once asking when President Trump was going to be punished for all his criminal activity! This person was so convinced, because she heard this slander so many times on the MSM, that her mind was completely closed to the possibility that this was a lie. She couldn’t conceive that all of this was simply propaganda used to commit character assassination, and to manipulate the population, as well as the next election.

Below is an excerpt from my book, Child of Sorrow, Child of Joy:

People who abuse others rarely, if ever, admit to it. If they do, they usually try to downplay it, making it seem insignificant. When, in rare instances, someone does admit to abuse, usually in the face of a truth that is corroborated in some way, something they cannot deny, they usually qualify it by saying something like, “it’s not as bad as it sounds!”

A perfect example of this would be the Nazi’s. No one ever heard the Nazi SS men stand up after the war was over, and say, “Yes, we tortured, tormented, raped, and murdered innocent civilians and children.” On the contrary, the Nazi movement today denies that such concentration camps, and such torture, ever existed. Denial is common among those who do such evil. My comparison of child abuse to the atrocities of the Nazi’s may sound overemphasized to some, but the connection is closer than one might think. It is a well documented fact that the Nazi’s employed criminals, murderers, and sadists to help run their death camps. These criminals, murderers and sadists as individuals were abusers. The only difference was that they were given power over a greater number of victims.

Evil, by its very nature, thrives in the darkness. It is enshrouded in secrecy and can be disturbed only by the light of truth. When exposed by the truth, evil panics, lies to try to obscure the truth, slanders and tries to discredit their accuser, while trying to crawl back into the covering cloak of darkness…

My abusers used slander to convince total strangers that they should put me down, disrespect me, and hate me, before I even met them. When they found out I was in ministry, they even tried to spread this slander amongst the Christian community. To my surprise, many whom I thought were Holy Spirit filled, believed the lies without questioning it, sometimes before they even met me.

Below is another excerpt from Child of Sorrow, Child of Joy:

I once heard the Chinese Embassy Spokesman in Washington, D.C. make some interesting statements about the Dalai Lama. Because the Dalai Lama spoke about the abuse the Chinese authorities inflicted on the Tibetan people, the spokesman said, it is “…totally unacceptable to the Chinese government for officials of any country to meet him in any form.” He also said he did not like what the Dalai Lama said. In other words, he did not like the truth being told. This betrays the mindset of an abuser. Abusers want to hide the truth of their atrocities, and want to isolate their victims. They even have the audacity to order other people not to have anything to do with their victim. This is the same tactic used by the Nazi’s during the Holocaust, and the same ploy my mother and (one other person) used against me. My abusers have dictated to many people that they are not to associate with me, and it has always amazed me how obedient other people are to their demands.

There is a strong correlation between child abuse, and the abuse that victims of the Holocaust went through. The only difference is that one is individual abuse, and the other is corporate abuse… The results to the victims are the same. Many children who fell prey to abuse, as well as victims of the holocaust, suffer lifelong health problems, emotional and psychological damage, including severe PTSD, as a result of the atrocities committed against them. Some are murdered, or die from their injuries. Some are physically deformed or brain damaged from the crimes committed against them. All who survive carry the wounds of deep emotional pain and trauma for decades, often for the rest of their lives.

Adolf Hitler understood how imperative it was to control what the masses thought. He even created a Ministry of Propaganda, headed by Joseph Goebbels. Hitler also formed ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Education to assist in his propaganda. Goebbels understood that the very word ‘propaganda’ was associated with lies, and he suggested changing the name to the Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment. The same lies would be spoken, but they would be cloaked in a more congenial ministry name, to give it a sense of truth and legitimacy. Regardless of the name, the propaganda worked. Millions of otherwise good German people not only believed the lies, they actively participated in the genocide by turning over Jewish people and dissenters to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis.

Victims of abuse who have not yet been healed are often quite vulnerable to the disparagement of their abusers. Young children who were raped often grow up feeling guilty, thinking that it was their fault, and not their abuser’s fault. When slander persists throughout the community, or a family, the victim sometimes identifies with it, feeling if many are repeating it, there must be some aspect of it that is true. This effectively robs the victim of their identity, and also keeps them from moving forward in life, and finding healing.

For the victim, ask yourself, are you going to choose to believe what your abusers say about you, or what total strangers say about you because they chose to believe such slander, or are you going to believe what your creator says about you? The choice is yours. Your abusers hate you, disrespect you, and want to silence you and keep you in victim mode, whether consciously or not. God loves you and wants you to blossom and grow.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

For the person who is swayed by what others may say about someone else, just imagine how harmful and devastating it would be if someone slandered you in the same way. How would you feel about it? How might this affect your life? Believing gossip and slander about another is like kicking someone when they are down. You need to do some serious self-examination of your character and spiritual condition if you are doing such things. Ask yourself, if you had been one of the people living in Nazi Germany, would you have listened to the propaganda, and helped the Nazi’s murder people? Whenever you treat someone with disdain or disrespect because of what others say about them, you have become a Nazi sympathizer, whether you realize it or not. The time has come to look at your own heart and correct these character flaws. It is time to seek the truth.

John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Make the choice today to know the truth, and to be set free. For the victim, choose to believe what your creator says about you, and reject what your abusers say. For the one swayed by gossip and slander, choose to search out the truth, and look at the condition of your own heart. Choose to study the word of God, and refine your own soul, instead of participating in harming others.

Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.

Clearly, repeating gossip and slander, or turning against someone because someone else told you to, is dangerous to our spiritual growth and our eternal salvation. It hurts other people, and it is the opposite of having the mind of Christ, and walking in righteousness. Let us all determine, in our own heart, that we will not participate in such mindless evil. Let us resolve not to be mindless robots, obeying what others tell us to think or do without using our conscience. Let us rise above the mentality of those in the Milgram experiment.